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With expert advice, transformative insights, and trusted thought leadership from within the wellbeing space, our webinars will help fuel success by amplifying your benefits  
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Employee Wellbeing: More than just a box to tick

Hear our Clinical Director Tracey Paxton and Wellbeing Director Karl Bennett as they talk about the current state of employee wellbeing programmes and what more employers of choice can do to improve their offering 

Taking Notes on Call

What are our Webinars?

Our webinars empower businesses and HR leaders to optimise their benefits through expert opinions, up to date findings, and unrivalled support – helping you stay one step ahead and providing the knowledge you need to unlock your people’s true potential 

Dive in and discover how to: 

  • Provide practical support for a range of employee challenges
  • Encourage a proactive approach to mental wellbeing
  • Elevate the employee experience
  • Make the most of your exciting employee benefits
Expert Speakers 2

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Previous Webinars


Movement for Mental Health

Our experts will also focus on the benefits of movement for your workforce. Tracey, will be giving you practical and tangible takeaways to help elevate your wellbeing strategy to the next level. small changes can make huge differences!


How to achieve a positive ROI from your employee benefits strategy

Employee benefits and wellbeing strategies affect every aspect of your business, from employee retention and recruitment to consistent business productivity and, as with any business cost, employers want to see a return on this investment


Gen Z - Boosting Workplace Engagement and Productivity

The number of employees that fall into the Gen Z age bracket is growing dramatically meaning it’s becoming increasingly important to understand and support this demographic of workers

Elevating Employee Experience with Proactive & Inclusive Family Care Webinar

Elevating Employee Experience with Proactive & Inclusive Family Care

Elevating employee experience through proactive and inclusive family care that meets the changing needs of the modern-day workforce. Presented at CIPD 2023

Preventative Wellbeing Whilst Balancing Family Pressures Webinar

Preventative Wellbeing Whilst Balancing Family Pressures

Karl Bennett and Lindsey Doe explore how an EAP can proactively support emotional wellbeing while helping employees balance family commitments. Presented at the Hampshire Business Show

Your Employee Assistance Programme Webinar

Your Employee Assistance Programme

Learn more about Vivup's comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme. Presented for Hampshire and Isle of Wight NHS

Investors in People Webinar

The Real Cost of Not Having an Engaged Workforce

Watch our joint webinar with Investors in People

Start improving your employee wellbeing today

To find out more about how Vivup can benefit your business, request a demo to get started today

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