Dive into our video library to discover everything there is to know about your exciting employee benefits
From learning how to log into your platform to understanding how each benefit works, our bitesize explainer videos are brimming with all the information you need to help you on your journey
Whether you’re looking for quick tips or a detailed tutorial, these engaging videos will support you to maximise your benefits, boost employee satisfaction, and enjoy greater organisational success
Vivup highfive
With step-by-step instructions on how to access both the highfive app and its insightful reporting function, you can make your colleague’s day with the power of praise
Your Care
Discover how to create a proactive approach to wellbeing in your workplace by capitalising on every aspect of the Your Care platform
Lifestyle Savings
Learn how to find and utilise your Lifestyle Savings benefit to promote better financial wellbeing
Start improving your employee wellbeing today
To find out more about how Vivup can benefit your business, request a demo today